Friday, November 29, 2013


DIMA 1120-4A
Digital Design: Vector
Nathan Wetjen

DIMA 1120-4A Calendar / Assignments /Winter Quarter 2013 - 2014
This is the approximate schedule that must be maintained to complete all objectives of the course. It is subject to change.

Mon, Dec 2

Weds, Dec 4

Introductions - Syllabus - Illustrator Basics - Pen Tool Exercise

Review - Pen Tool Exercise - Assignment: Read Chapter 2 & Study for Quiz, Start Blog
Mon, Dec 9

Weds, Dec 11

QUIZ - Illustrator: Rulers, grids & Guides, Closed Path Primitives, Elements of Design Lecture 
Assignment: Read Chapter 3

Illustrator: Open Path Primitives, Modify paths
Assignment: Web Resource & Read Chapter 4
Mon, Dec 16

Weds, Dec 18

QUIZ - Review Web Resources - Elements of Design: Color Theory - Illustrator: Color Panels, Edit Colors
Assignment: Read Chapter 5

Elements of Design: Color Theory - Illustrator: Color Panels, Edit Colors
Assignment: Read Chapter 5. Principles of Design - Find Web Resource

Mon, Dec 23

Review Web Resources - Gradients & Exercise
Assignment: Find Web Resource Movie Posters, Read Chapter 9, Movie Poster Thumbnails
Mon, Jan 6

Weds, Jan 8
QUIZ (Gradients)- Web Resources - Type Intro - Basic Typography - Character and Paragraph Panels - Type Tool - Typefaces - Type along a path exercise - Layout Basics
Assignment: Narrow down Movie Poster Thumbnail & RevisionsMovie Poster Project Day
Assignment:  Movie Poster, Web Resource
Mon, Jan 13

Weds, Jan 15
Work day for Movie Poster
Assignment: Read Chapter 7- Edit Colors Review

Project 1 Critique at 9:00am - Editing Artwork
Assignment: Read Chapter 10, Web Resource
Mon, Jan 22
QUIZ - Illustrator: Masks, Blending Modes - Placing Images - Image Tracing
Assignment: Read Chapter 11, Web Resource, Find image to image trace and adjust.
Mon, Jan 27

Weds, Jan 29


Assignment: Finish Image Tracing Project

Image Trace Project Critique - Working with Effects
Assignment Web Resource, Read Chapter 14 and study for Quiz
Mon, Feb 3

Weds, Feb 5
Image Tracing Project 
Web Resource - Arranging and Saving Artwork
Assignment: Read Chapter 15 & 12

Symbols and Graphs
Assignment: Web Resource, Read Chapter 16 & 18
Mon, Feb 10

Weds, Feb 12
Image Trace Project Critique
Review - Gradient Exercise, Mask Exercise, 
Assignment: Read Chapter 15 & 16

Discuss Chapter 15 & 16, do exercises.

Final Review
Assignment: Final Project Sketches & Proposals
Mon, Feb 17

Weds, Feb 19

Final Quiz - Final Project Proposals -  

Final Project Work Day

Mon, Feb 24

Weds, Feb 26

Final Project Work Day - Progress Critique 10am

Final Project Critique at 9am.

Title:                                                Digital Design: Vector
Prefix/Section:                                  DIMA 1120-4A
Credit Hours:                                    4.5 
Begins/Ends/No-Class Days:             12/02/13  thru 2/26/14 
Meeting Day/Time:                            Mon/Weds - 8:30am to 11:25am

Last Day to Withdraw:                      2/12/14 
Delivery Type:                                  Classroom 
Class Location:                                FOC Building 6, Room 100
Lab Location:                                   FOC Building 6, Room 100 

Instructor Name:                            Nathan Wetjen 
Office Location:                              Elkhorn Campus, Rm 332
Office Telephone:                           402.289.1379
Facsimile:                                     N/A
Office Hours:                                 N/A
Email Address:                         
Faculty Web Site:                          N/A
Academic Program Area:               Language & Visual Arts
Dean's Office:                               Tom McDonnell 402.289.1331

Course Description:
This course focuses on the visual and technical processes of digital design using vector (resolution independent) applications and includes experience with raster/bitmap software. Students learn a vector software application through a series of exercises and projects that explore creative problem-solving while applying graphic design theory and principles.

Course Prerequisites:
None, however, completion of foundation courses in drawing & design is highly recommended.

Course Objectives:
·         Understand/review basic design principles and elements
·         Identify & correlate all menu icons as to technical description.
·         Perform on computers & create a series of images with Vector software
·         Analyze job orders & break down into working approach with software.
·         Create final images & print, record, & transmit images to peripheral devices in a manner that satisfies the assigned visual & conceptual demands.

Required & Supplemental Materials:
·         Text: Illustrator Foundations - Rafiq Elmansy
·         3 Ring Binder 
·         8.5 x 11 Sketchbook (Minimum size)
·         Black & White & Color drawing materials as desired…colored pencils, conte crayons, etc.
·         A portable Flash drive to store copies/backups of your work.

·         Exercises executing projects using all functions in Illustrator software and reading assigned chapters.
·         Planning with Sketchbooks
·         Working with Peripheral devices
·         Researching visual & conceptual materials via web & print
·         Critiques & discussions
·         Quizzes
·         Homework/Assignment information is available at

Types of Assessments/Assignments:

·         Execution/Completion of exercises & projects
·         Participation in exploring visual & conceptual aspects of projects & critiques
·         Growth & development of skills
·         Sketchbook & Electronic portfolio
·         Vocabulary quiz
·         Attendance
·         Organization/Presentation of work
·         Unless prior arrangement is made, there is no make-up for missed deadlines & missed quizzes

90+ = A
Excellent/ Exceptional
All required work is completed with a superior level of competence, creative problem-solving, craftsmanship, attention to detail, & understanding of software & concepts. Attendance & Participation excellent. 90%
80+ = B
Above Average
All required work is complete with above-average level of competence, creativity, craft, & understanding of software & concepts. Attendance & Participation above average. 80%
70+ = C
All required work is complete with average level of competence, creativity, craft, & understanding of software & concepts. Attendance & Participation average.
60+ = D
Below Average
Most required work is complete with some competence, but below average understanding of creativity, craft, software & concepts. Poor Attendance & Participation.
60- = F
Majority percentage of the required work is incomplete

Maintenance of Student Records
  1. Exercises and Projects will be turned in at the end of the quarter.
  2. All assignments will be returned to the student after grading.
  3. Grade books (grade spreadsheets) should be kept by the instructor for a minimum of one (1) year.
  4. Student tests, papers, projects, etc., that were graded by faculty for determining the final grade and were not returned to the student, should be kept for one (1) year. All assignments not picked up by students should be in the faculty office room 332.


Required Expectations
  1. Attendance
    This course requires regular attendance.  It also requires extra time to be spent outside of class. If this class meets a total of 11 times, each student is allowed two (2) absences.  Three absences will result in a lowering of your grade by one letter.  Each additional two absences will result in another letter grade reduction. 
    If this class meets 22 times, each student is allowed 3 absences.  Four absences will result in the course grade being dropped one letter grade.  Any student acquiring eight (8) absences will be recommended for Instructor Withdrawal.
    Three tardies will equal one absence.

    WX: After the first class meeting and through the Census Date, the instructor will disenroll (WX) students who have never attended. The Census Date is listed under the Important Dates for the course in the official Class Schedule at
    FX: An FX is a final grade given to a student who stops attending a class, does not return, and fails. 
  2. Participation Participation means following expectations written below; being at every class, on time and offering constructive criticism to classmates. It also means being able to take criticism of one's own work. Participation will also mean having work completed for the assigned due dates.

  1. Disruptive Classroom Behavior will not be tolerated
    Portable Electronic Devices Usage-no talking on cell phones in the Visual Arts Lab
    *Internet Use During Class is restricted to class assignments. Classtime will be spent drawing, critiquing, and other activities conducive to learning and practicing drawing. There is no time allowed or tolerance for playing games on the computer, texting, or any other activities that detract from these class processes. Anyone playing computer games during class will receive a lower grade for the course.

When you communicate with others in this course, you must follow the Student Code of Conduct (, which calls for responsible and cooperative behavior. Please think critically, ask questions, and challenge ideas, but also show respect for the opinions of others, respond to them politely, and maintain the confidentiality of thoughts expressed in the class. You may also wish to review information at

Students may not video or audio record class sessions without the instructor’s knowledge and permission. If recording of class sessions is authorized as a reasonable accommodation under Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the instructor must have the appropriate documentation from College Disability Support Services. Permitted recordings are to be used only for the individual student’s educational review of the class session and may not be reproduced, posted, sold or distributed to others. Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary procedures as outlined in the Student Conduct Code.

Students are reminded that materials they use as sources for classwork may be subject to copyright protection. Additional information about copyright is provided on the library website at or by your instructor. In response to incidents of student dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, illegal peer-to-peer file sharing, etc.), the College imposes specific actions that may include receiving a failing grade on a test, failure in the course, suspension from the College, or dismissal from the College. Disciplinary procedures are available in the Advising/Counseling Centers or at

If you cannot participate in and complete this course, you should officially withdraw through WebAdvisor at or by calling Central Registration at 402-457-5231 or 1-800-228-9553. Failure to officially withdraw will result in either an attendance-related failure (FX) or failing (F) grade. The last date to withdraw is noted in the CLASS IDENTIFICATION section of this syllabus.

Notice:  This syllabus is written as an expectation of class topics, learning activities, and expected learning outcomes.  However, the instructor reserves the right to make changes in this schedule that may  result in enhanced or more effective learning for students.  These modifications will not substantially change the intent or objectives of this course and will be done within the policies and guidelines of Metropolitan Community College.

MCC's Academic Resource Centers, Math Centers, and Writing Centers offer friendly, supportive learning environments that can help students achieve educational success. Staff members in these centers provide free drop-in assistance with basic computing, reading, math, and writing skills. Self-paced, computer-assisted instructional support in reading, vocabulary, typing, English as a Second Language, and online course orientation is also available.
Detailed information about the Academic Resource, Math, and Writing Centers is in the Student Handbook, College Catalog, and online at

Metropolitan Community College will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with documented qualifying disabilities. It is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations from Disability Support Services (DSS) located in each Student Services Office. After students have arranged for accommodations with DSS, the student and instructor should privately discuss these accommodations. For further information, please contact DSS or visit

For assistance with student email, passwords, and most other MCC technology, contact the Help Desk at 457-2900 or

By using the information technology systems at MCC (including the computer systems and phones), you acknowledge and consent to the conditions of use as set forth in the Metropolitan Community College Procedures Memorandum on Acceptable Use of Information Technology and Resources. It is your responsibility as a student to be familiar with these procedures. The full text of the Procedures Memorandum may be found at the following website:

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